(b) has been certified in writing by a recognized forestry professional to be a plan that describes the composition of the woodlot, provides for the attention necessary for the growth, health and quality of the trees on the woodlot and includesi. a description of, or a map indicating, the location of the woodlot,
ii. a description of the characteristics of the woodlot, including a map of the woodlot site that shows those characteristics,
iii. a description of the development of the woodlot, including the activities carried out on the woodlot, since the taxpayer acquired it,
iv. information acceptable to the recognized forestry professional estimating(1) the ages and heights of the trees on the woodlot, and their species,
(2) the quantity of wood on the woodlot,
(3) the quality and composition of the soil underlying the woodlot, and
(4) the quantity of wood that the woodlot could yield as a result of the implementation of the plan,
v. a description of, and the timing for, the activities proposed to be carried out on the woodlot under the plan, including any of those activities that deal with(1) harvesting,
(2) renewal and regeneration,
(3) the application of silviculture techniques, and
(4) responsible stewardship and the protection of the environment, and
vi. a description of the objectives and strategies for the management and development of the woodlot over a period of at least 5 years.